Vacusport is used to shorten the rehabilitation period post-operatively or post-traumatically as well as in the case of special indications. This also applies to all types of muscular injuries and to the rapid recovery of full performance after training or competitions.
Inside the tube alternating vacuum and high pressure is applied. These pressure changes dilate and compress the blood and lymphatic vessels and thus improve the flow. The induced shear forces stimulate endothilial and neuronal tissue.
Vacusport® increases the blood circulation, oxygenation and venous return. And it provides a profound lymphatic drainage. The shear forces maintain or even increase capillarisation.
Vacusport is easy to use.
The technological, medical and scientific origin of the Vacusport system is space medicine. In the weightlessness of the orbit the astronauts have to undergo a negative pressure treatment in a LBNPD (Lower Body Negative Pressure Device) every ten hours to avoid orthostatic complications which can occur in space due to zero gravity and an insifficient baroreflex.
The further development of the LBNPD is the result of a cooperation with the German Aerospace Association (DLR). The outcome is intermittent vacuum therapy – IVT – with the Vacusport® device.
Vacusport® is internationally patented and certified as a medical product (Class IIa) in the EU and numerous countries. And it is made in Germany!